A little background on me…

by amodelsroaccutanejourney

I am a late twenties model suffering with really bad cystic acne. I have tried a lot of different things to rid of my acne including…diet, antibiotics, topical antibiotics, homeopathy, aromatherapy, organic, non-organic, expensive foundation, cheap-foundations, sun lotions, face masks, face creams, positivity, doctors, massages, Clarins, Clinique…and many many many more!
I work full time as a model and my skin problems are making me less confident when at castings and on jobs.
I have spent a year slathering on tons and tons of foundation and camouflage make up from Screen Face, never tying up my hair and basically hiding my face under my hair. At times it makes me upset and at other times I’m simply angry that I can’t put on a track suit, tie my hair up and go for a run or to the corner shop. Instead I have to wash my hair, blow dry it, stick on make up that could almost be classified as stage make up before simply going for a workout 😦
A friend recommended I go to her dermatologist in London where her similar skin problems were treated really well and she has been left with no scars-just perfect skin. It’s amazing how if you’re open about your problems you find out about so many other people that have gone through the same tough situations as yourself!

For now I do not intend on showing my face and will keep this blog anonymous but I’d love to hear from other acne or ex-acne suffers both good and bad and maybe we can help each other.

I’m also documenting my progress on Instagram: @roaccutanejourney