Do you use Vaseline?

I have had SO many Instagram and blog followers message me questions and suggestions about Vaseline. Some ask what I think of it, other suggest I use it.
I am fairly certain Vaseline is known all over the world and the product is used from a young age and ingrained in to us that we must use it on our lips, our body, our hair. I am baffled that with the Internet research at the tap of a button in this day and age that people are still using petroleum based products? Why? Some say they are addicted to it, much like a smoker is to cigarettes. If you feel this way, you are definitely not alone. I have seen endless people slather Vaseline over their lips over and over again all day long. I remember girls at school having different coloured pots of the stuff in their pencil cases, bags and coat pockets and feel lost without it. The reason you develop this dependency is because Vaseline does not moisturise you, it leaves you wanting, craving and needing more. The petroleum jelly creates a seal over your lips stopping them from breathing and working in their natural way. For us Roaccutane/Accutane users this is the worst possible product to help us survive the inevitable dryness side effect and definitely will NOT cure it.

Vaseline (petroleum jelly) is made with PETROL! Can you imagine going to the petrol station (gas station) and after filling up your car, pouring it into the in the palm of your hand and putting it on your lips? What? No way! Personally this repulses me.
All this being said I am not 110% clean, organic, natural, perfect living but if I know a beauty product is bad for me I certainly won’t be buying it and putting it on my precious skin, especially now that I am paying a fortune with Roaccutane/Accutane to fix the problem! Petrol is not only found in Vaseline:
Petroleum is found in, shampoos; conditioners, lipbalms and even toothpastes! Did you realise that Lucas’ Paw Paw ointment had petroleum is its ingredients too? I remember I used to ship it over from Australia when I was younger…not anymore!
Our skin is the largest organ in our body. It breathes and absorbs the air and products we place upon it. Would you drink or eat petrol? By placing it on your skin you are likely to absorb a fair bit. For this reason Vaseline has in fact been linked to causing acne!
“Modern research at the Herb Research Foundation found that the skin absorbs up to 60% of the chemicals in products that it comes into contact with directly into the bloodstream”.(

“According to Kit Anderson, mineral oil (a petroleum product found in many beauty products) smothers the skin (the body’s largest organ), making it impossible for it to breathe. In fact, because of the way mineral oil works, Anderson claims that mineral oil is a poor choice for beauty products for these reasons:
It disrupts the way the body naturally detoxifies. It slows the rate at which cells are renewed, thereby damaging collagen, connective tissue, and elastin – all of which contribute to the way skin looks and feels. It results in skin that ages prematurely. She also mentions that many beauty products are made with the purpose of moisturizing the skin, but petroleum products made as moisturizers ironically work against the skin by dehydrating it”. (